About us

The RE(ACT) Discovery Institute is a unique not-for-profit environment that supports innovative and highly competent research into therapeutics for rare diseases. The RE(ACT) Discovery Institute is an accelerator for research in therapeutic development, enabling academic laboratories with cutting-edge modern technologies to discover and develop potential treatments and diagnostic tools for rare diseases.
Thus the objective of the RE(ACT) Discovery Institute is to foster the discovery and development of novel therapeutics for rare diseases. The rationale is to capitalize on the available structures for drug discovery and translate the potential of the basic science performed by academic researchers and small start-up companies into treatments for patients by participating in and collaborating with clinical centers up to Phases II and III of clinical trials.
The RE(ACT) Discovery Institute aims to discover, collect and internalize ongoing or abandoned research programs and continue their development. The RE(ACT) Discovery Institute is acting as a "bridge" between a project of a research group at the "discovery" stage and the final clinical development.